

Automate your job search and increase your interviews with AI

  • Automatically applies to jobs based on your CV

  • Collects new job postings daily for targeted applications

  • Provides real-time statistics on your job search performance


💲 Freemium


🛠️ API



What is LoopCV?

LoopCV is a job search automation platform designed to simplify and expedite the job application process. By uploading your CV and specifying your job preferences, LoopCV takes over the tedious task of applying for jobs, allowing you to focus on preparing for interviews and other important aspects of your job search.

Key Features

  • Auto Apply to Jobs: LoopCV scans new job postings daily and applies on your behalf based on your preferences.
  • Auto Email to Recruiters: The platform finds the email of recruiters and sends personalized emails to hiring companies.
  • Measure and Improve: LoopCV provides statistics such as email opens, replies, and CV performance, enabling you to optimize your job search.


Automate your job search and increase your interviews with AI

Key Features

💲 Freemium
🛠️ API

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