Video Highlight


AI tool for summarizing and taking notes from videos

  • Transform video consumption with AI-driven summaries and notes

  • Engage deeper with videos through interactive chats and smart search

  • Seamlessly integrate video insights into your productivity workflow


💲 Freemium


🧩 Browser Extension



What is Video Highlight

Video Highlight is an AI-powered tool that provides video summarization and note-taking capabilities. It allows users to quickly summarize and take notes from videos, including YouTube videos. The tool offers accurate video summaries with precise timestamps, making it easier to navigate and reference specific moments in the video.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Summaries: Generates concise summaries and key points from videos using the latest AI technology.
  • Interactive Chat: Engage in real-time chat with video content for instant answers to complex questions.
  • Notion Integration: Directly export summaries, timestamps, and highlights into Notion for organized note-taking.
  • Smart Search: Search specific information within summaries and transcripts, enhancing the efficiency of content navigation.
  • Highlighting: Highlight videos similarly to articles or books, engaging with video content in a novel way.
  • Timestamps and Key Moments: Navigate to key moments in the video through timestamped summaries and save screenshots.
  • Export Options: Transfer summaries and highlights to Notion or Readwise, with more integrations planned.

Video Highlight

AI tool for summarizing and taking notes from videos

Key Features

💲 Freemium
🧩 Browser Extension

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