
AI-powered Twitter tool for building and engaging with quality audience

  • In-depth analytics and scheduling directly on Twitter

  • Streamline Twitter engagement and audience growth

  • Customizable engagement and content filtering


💲 Freemium


🧩 Browser Extension

What is Tweetspear

Tweetspear is a Chrome extension designed to enhance the Twitter experience for users looking to build and engage with their audience more effectively. It offers a range of features including analytics, post scheduling, engagement tools, and content filtering. The tool is aimed at users who want to grow their Twitter following and interact more efficiently, providing insights into follower growth, activity patterns, and interaction distribution. Tweetspear is suitable for both casual users and content creators who seek to maintain a productive and engaging presence on Twitter.

Key Features

  • Analytics: Provides detailed insights into followers, activity, and interactions on Twitter.
  • Posting and Scheduling: Enables scheduling and updating posts directly within Twitter.
  • Engagement Tools: Offers features like custom feeds, auto-liking, and group creation for efficient engagement.
  • Replier Functionality: Allows quick and customized replies in various languages, maintaining personal tone.
  • Content Filtering: Helps clean the Twitter feed by filtering based on user and tweet properties, and removing ads.
  • Behavior Analytics: Tracks and visualizes follower growth, activity times, and interaction patterns.


AI-powered Twitter tool for building and engaging with quality audience

Key Features

💲 Freemium
🧩 Browser Extension

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