
An AI-powered voice note-taking app for actionable notes

  • Transform spoken ideas into structured, actionable text effortlessly

  • Enhance productivity with AI-powered voice-to-text transcription in 50+ languages

  • From brainstorming to content creation


💰 Paid



What is TalkNotes

TalkNotes is an AI-powered voice note-taking app that transcribes and organizes spoken thoughts into actionable notes. It offers various writing styles for different types of content, such as transcripts, task lists, journals, and more. Users can record their voice, choose a style, edit and organize their notes, and even upload their own audio files. It supports multiple languages and includes features like unlimited notes and custom styles.

Key Features

  • Voice-to-Text Transcription: Converts spoken words into text, supporting over 50 languages.
  • Content Customization: Transcribes voice into various content forms like transcripts, task lists, journal entries, and blog posts.
  • Editing and Organization: Allows editing of notes, adding tags, changing formats, and sharing.
  • Multiple Use Cases: Ideal for brainstorming, content creation, journaling, interviews, meetings, and educational notes.
  • Quality Transcription: High accuracy in transcription with minimal need for rework.
  • File Upload Capability: Users can upload their own audio files for transcription.
  • Privacy Assurance: Audio files are deleted post-transcription, ensuring user privacy.


Talknotes +

  • Cost: $59 for a whole year of access (Limited time Launch offer: up to 75% off from the regular price of $197)
  • Features Include:
    • Unlimited notes
    • Recordings up to 20 minutes
    • File upload capability
    • Custom styles
    • Secure payment with Stripe
    • Discount secured forever

Please check here for more details about Galeby’s pricing.


An AI-powered voice note-taking app for actionable notes

Key Features

💰 Paid

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