

All-in-one audio & video solution for modern communication

  • Maximizes employee engagement with efficient

  • 98% more efficient than email and intranet channels

  • 600% more engagement than email communications


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What is Soundbite

Soundbite is a next-generation communications platform that offers an all-inclusive audio and video solution. It allows users to create and share engaging communications through tools like Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Viva. With AI-powered creation tools, users can build hyper-relevant content and push it to different audiences across various channels. Soundbite aims to save time, increase productivity, and improve employee engagement.

Key Features

  • Omni-Channel Notifications: Reach employees on various devices, including those without a Microsoft Teams license.
  • Integration with Microsoft Teams: Offers consumer-like experiences within Microsoft Teams and accommodates frontline users.
  • Advanced Reporting: Provides detailed engagement reports at both organizational and individual levels.
  • Efficient Content Creation: Claims to be 98% more efficient than traditional email and intranet communication channels.
  • High Engagement: Audiences engage 600% more than with email, aiming for high engagement results.
  • Information Overload Management: Helps employees engage more effectively by reducing information overload.
  • AI Creation Tools: Build hyper-relevant content quickly using AI tools.
  • Multi-Platform Reach: Distribute content across Microsoft Teams, SMS, and more.


All-in-one audio & video solution for modern communication

Key Features

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