

AI-powered resume maker and career service with high success rate

  • AI-powered resume builder with 96.4% success rate

  • 24/7 support and personalized career services

  • Innovative technologies for becoming a perfect job candidate


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What is Skillroads

Skillroads is an AI-powered resume maker that helps job seekers create high-quality resumes and increase their chances of getting hired. They offer a range of services, including resume writing, editing, and review, as well as LinkedIn profile makeover and cover letter generation. With a 96.4% success rate and innovative technologies, Skillroads provides personalized assistance to help individuals become strong candidates in their job search.

Key Features

  • AI Resume Making Services: Employs AI for career counseling, professional interest investigation, instant resume creation, and job matching.
  • AI Resume Generator: Automatically generates resumes based on professional details.
  • Resume Writing & Editing: Professional resume writing and editing services.
  • Resume Review: Offers a review service for existing resumes.
  • LinkedIn Profile Editing: Enhances LinkedIn profiles for better job prospects.
  • Cover Letter Builder: Assists in creating cover letters tailored to job applications.
  • Job Board: Access to Fortune 500 job listings and personalized job offers.
  • Career Tips: Provides advice and tips for career advancement.


AI-powered resume maker and career service with high success rate

Key Features

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