
AI-powered email summarization service, saving you time

  • Get summaries of your emails using AI

  • Summarize up to 100 mails per month for free

  • Secure and fast email summarization service


πŸ†“ Free



What is Rizemail

Rizemail is a free email summarization service that uses AI to summarize and condense emails, saving users time. By forwarding an email to summ@rizemail.app, users receive an automatic reply with a brief summary of the email. This service is designed with speed and efficiency in mind, striving to deliver summaries promptly.

Key Features

  • Email Summarization: Uses AI to condense emails, providing quick and efficient summaries.
  • User-Friendly: No installation required, works directly within the user’s inbox.
  • Privacy and Security: Emails are not stored; they are deleted immediately after summarization.
  • Efficiency: Designed to save time, offering fast email processing.


AI-powered email summarization service, saving you time

Key Features

πŸ†“ Free

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