
Gather insights and data about your PDF files with PDFGPT

  • Chat-based PDF assistance for instant answers

  • No page limit on PDF uploads with paid plans

  • Multiple pricing tiers to fit various usage needs


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What is PDFGPT?

PDFGPT is an AI chatbot designed to simplify your interaction with PDF files. It employs a chat-based interface to provide instant answers to your PDF-related questions. Whether you’re looking to navigate complex PDFs or seek specific information, PDFGPT.io aims to make the process quick and hassle-free.

Key Features

  • Text Extraction: Ability to extract text from PDFs for easy copying and pasting.
  • Document Search: Advanced search functionality to find specific terms or phrases within a PDF.
  • File Conversion: Convert PDFs to Word, Excel, or PowerPoint formats.
  • Document Annotation: Add notes, highlights, and comments to PDFs.
  • Batch Processing: Handle multiple PDFs simultaneously for tasks like merging, splitting, or converting.
  • OCR Capability: Optical Character Recognition to convert scanned documents into editable text.


Gather insights and data about your PDF files with PDFGPT

Key Features

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