Charm AI

AI-powered spreadsheet assistant for automating data and content

  • Automate spreadsheet work

  • Clean messy data, generate content, categorize feedback

  • AI assistant for Google Sheets


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⏳ Free Trial

What is Charm AI

Charm AI is an AI-powered spreadsheet assistant that automates tasks that cannot be done using traditional formulas. It can clean messy data, generate content, summarize feedback, and classify text in Google Sheets. With Charm, users can create, transform, and analyze any text data in their spreadsheets, saving time and increasing productivity.

Key Features

  • Clean Messy Data: Automatically normalize addresses, separate columns, extract entities, and more.
  • Generate Content: Rewrite SEO content, write blog posts, generate product descriptions.
  • Generate Dummy Data: Create synthetic data like names, addresses, phone numbers.
  • Summarize Content: Generate bullet-point summaries, rewrite content concisely.
  • Classify Text: Categorize product feedback, prioritize sales leads, discover trends.
  • Custom Template Creation: Users can create their own templates with Charm’s editor.


Charm Starter

  • Cost: $24/month after a 5-day free trial
  • Features:
    • Install Google Sheets add-on
    • 24/7 email support
    • Process up to 500,000 words/month

Charm Pro

  • Cost: $59/month after a 5-day free trial
  • Features:
    • Install Google Sheets add-on
    • 24/7 email support
    • Process up to 2,000,000 words/month

Please check here for more details about Charm AI’s pricing.

Charm AI

AI-powered spreadsheet assistant for automating data and content

Key Features

💰 Paid
⏳ Free Trial

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