Findsight AI

AI search engine to explore and compare ideas

  • Compares key ideas from a vast array of non-fiction literature

  • Enhances research with targeted filters and contextual insights

  • Encourages serendipitous learning through random insight discovery


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#Data & Research

What is Findsight AI

Findsight AI is a search engine that allows users to explore and compare key points made in non-fiction works. It offers basic and AI-powered filters to refine search results, including filters based on mentions, references, and discussions. The platform also has AI-powered filters that enable advanced searching by allowing users to enter custom claims or questions. Findsight AI helps users find and navigate related claims and provides context and data to assist in answering questions.

Key Features

  • Extensive Non-Fiction Library: Access to core ideas from thousands of non-fiction works, providing a rich resource for learning and research.
  • Filter-Based Search: Add filters to refine searches and find insights that are most relevant to your interests or research needs.
  • Random Insight Exploration: Jump into learning with a random insight feature, which can spark curiosity and lead to unexpected knowledge discovery.
  • Contextual Information: Click on titles to get more context about the insights, helping users understand the bigger picture.
  • Related Claims Navigation: Use the arrow to explore related claims, facilitating a deeper dive into interconnected topics.

Findsight AI

AI search engine to explore and compare ideas

Key Features

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