Neurons Predict

AI-powered platform for predicting consumer behavior

  • Predict customer responses & behavior globally

  • Validated neuroscience solutions for business needs

  • Trusted by world's biggest brands


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What is Neurons Predict

Neurons Predict is a neuroscience platform that allows businesses to predict consumer responses and behavior. It offers accessible and affordable solutions for achieving business goals, such as predicting the performance of campaigns, understanding audience emotions, and capturing subconscious responses. Trusted by major brands, Neurons Predict uses cutting-edge advancements in cognitive neuroscience, machine learning, AI, and psychology to provide validated and scientifically accurate insights.

Key Features

  • Predict Performance: Get AI predictions on creatives from social media ads to product packaging before launching.
  • Explore Audience Insights: Know what motivates your ideal audience and get global results through video and image tests.
  • Delve into the Subconscious: Capture subconscious responses with precision using eye-tracking and EEG data.
  • Scientific Validity: Built on the latest approaches in cognitive neuroscience, machine learning, AI, and psychology.

Neurons Predict

AI-powered platform for predicting consumer behavior

Key Features

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