

AI-powered platform for prompted listening in brand strategy

  • Power your strategy with prompted listening

  • Combine social listening with surveys and focus groups

  • AI-powered survey tool for creating and automating insights


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What is Multytude

Multytude is an AI-powered platform that combines social listening with surveys and focus groups to provide strategic insights for brands. It utilizes prompted listening, where influencers engage crowds in discussions on relevant topics, and AI technology to deliver brand advice. Additionally, Multytude offers an AI-powered survey tool that allows users to create their own surveys, improve completion rates, and obtain automated insights.

Key Features

  • rompted Listening: An innovative approach combining social listening with surveys and focus groups, allowing brands to proactively gather strategic insights.
  • For Brands/Agencies: Gain genuine consumer insights in as little as 15 minutes, including brand lift from influencer campaigns.
  • For Influencers: Opportunity for influencers to earn income by engaging with their audience without promotional pressure.
  • AI-Powered Survey Tool: An AI back-end tool for creating various surveys, from client feedback to employee satisfaction, offering time-saving automated insights.


AI-powered platform for prompted listening in brand strategy

Key Features

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