
AI ghostwriting tool

  • Streamline your writing process with easy-to-use editing tools

  • Improve readability with tailored suggestions from renowned literary styles

  • Access expert writing assistance instantly


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What is GhostWriter

GhostWriter is a web-based tool that leverages AI to assist users in writing, offering features like style emulation of famous authors, sophisticated editing tools, and educational functionalities. It is designed to be both a practical aid for creating professional-grade written content and an engaging way for students to explore different writing styles and improve their skills. The tool is accessible for free, aiming to make advanced writing assistance available to everyone.

Key Features

  • Sophisticated Revision Tools: Offers tools to instantly improve drafts, manifest chapters from outlines, or continue writing scenes in the user’s voice.
  • Select Author Style: Users can choose their preferred authorial style for the writing output, allowing for a personalized writing experience.


AI ghostwriting tool

Key Features

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