
AI chat tool accurately providing verified data on public companies

  • AI Chat for investors with verified data

  • Summarizes and analyzes financial information

  • Focuses on public companies and their performance


💰 Paid


🛠️ API



What is FinChat

FinChat is an AI-powered chat platform for investors that provides verified data on public companies. It offers information and insights on various companies, including Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), through revenue breakdowns and transcripts from CEO Satya Nadella. The platform aims to help investors make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Key Features

  • Verified Data on Public Companies: FinChat provides accurate and verified data specifically for investors.
  • Focus on Public Companies: The tool is tailored to offer insights and information about publicly traded companies.
  • Data Visualization: Offers visual breakdowns and analysis of company revenues and other financial metrics.
  • Transcript Access: Provides access to transcripts from key company figures like CEOs during earnings calls and other significant events.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for ease of use, allowing users to quickly find and understand complex financial data.


AI chat tool accurately providing verified data on public companies

Key Features

💰 Paid
🛠️ API

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