

Automate WordPress content marketing with AI-driven SEO articles and videos

  • Automates SEO content for WordPress blogs

  • Integrates keyword research and unique visuals

  • Auto-shares content as LinkedIn video posts.


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What is Emplibot

Emplibot is an AI-driven tool designed to automate content marketing for WordPress blogs. It generates SEO-optimized articles, performs keyword research, and creates engaging visuals, which are then auto-published to your blog and shared as video clips on LinkedIn. The platform leverages GPT-4 and web scraping to produce high-quality, relevant content, aiming to increase organic traffic without manual intervention.

Key Features of Emplibot

- 100% Automated Content Marketing: Emplibot publishes SEO-optimized articles to your WordPress blog and shares them as short video clips on LinkedIn with no manual work required.

- Fresh SEO Articles Daily: Generates and publishes fresh content daily, tailored to your business needs and target audience.

- Automated Keyword Research: Conducts keyword research to ensure articles are optimized for search engines.

- Auto-Publish Feature: Automatically uploads articles to your WordPress blog, reducing manual intervention.

- LinkedIn Video Posts: Every blog post is converted into a video and shared on LinkedIn to boost social media engagement.

- Engaging Content: Posts include interesting facts and figures to captivate readers.

- Unique Hero Images and Infographics: Automatically creates and incorporates visually appealing images and infographics to enhance content.

- Optimized Article Interlinking: Interlinks articles for improved SEO and visitor engagement.

- GPT-4 Powered Writing: Leverages GPT-4 trained on your assets for high-quality, human-like content creation.

- Easy Setup: A simple 30-minute setup allows you to automate your content marketing efforts quickly.

- Website Integration: Emplibot learns about your business by visiting your website to create relevant content.

- Plugin Control: Install the Emplibot WordPress plugin to manage how posts are published – either as drafts or directly as live content.

- Customizable Images and Infographics: Choose your style for images, and Emplibot will search the web for interesting facts, automatically generating high-quality visuals.

- Manual or Automated LinkedIn Publishing: Option to publish LinkedIn video posts manually or automatically.

- Real-Time Web Scraping: Collects the latest data and insights to ensure content remains current and relevant.

- Multiple Language Support: Currently supports blog post creation in English and German.

- Custom Keywords and Topics: Allows users to specify general topics or upload their own list of keywords and post titles.

- Editable Content: Option to edit articles before they go live by publishing them as drafts.

- Multi-Blog Management: Designed for agencies to manage multiple blog posts under one account.

- AI-Blogging ROI Calculator: Tool to calculate the return on investment for AI blogging efforts.

- On-Page SEO Checker: Tool to analyze and optimize individual web pages for search engines.

- Legal Compliance: Comprehensive legal documentation including Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms and Conditions.


Here is a summary of pricing information for Emplibot:

- Enterprise Plan: $199/mo.

- Features:

  • 7+ blog posts per week
  • 7+ LinkedIn posts per week
  • High-quality images
  • In-content infographics
  • Full SEO optimization

- Pro Plan: $99/mo.

- Features:

  • 7 blog posts per week
  • 7 LinkedIn posts per week
  • High-quality images
  • In-content infographics
  • Full SEO optimization

- Standard Plan: $69/mo.

- Features:

  • 4 blog posts per week
  • 4 LinkedIn posts per week
  • High-quality images
  • In-content infographics
  • Full SEO optimization

- Starter Plan: $49/mo.

- Features:

  • 2 blog posts per week
  • 2 LinkedIn posts per week
  • High-quality images
  • In-content infographics
  • Full SEO optimization


Automate WordPress content marketing with AI-driven SEO articles and videos

Key Features

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⏳ Free Trial

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