
AI art platform for unlimited creation and sharing

  • Diverse AI models for limitless art creation

  • Own your creativity with full rights

  • Explore, create, and contribute to the arts


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What is Dreamup.ai

DreamUp.ai is a nonprofit organization that provides free access to Generative AI technology for creating art. They offer an unlimited artistic license with no micro-transactions, allowing users to create as many images as they want. Users can experiment with different AI models, customize their creations, and own all rights to their work. DreamUp.ai also offers features such as high-resolution upscaling and a shareable gallery. They rely on donations to support their mission and donate 30% of their proceeds to charities that support the arts.

Key Features

  • Unlimited Artistic License: Dreamup.ai offers unlimited image creation without micro-transactions, credits, or limits, allowing users to make as many images as they want for free.
  • Multiple AI Models: Users can experiment with over 10 AI models, each with its own unique style, to create diverse artworks.
  • Favorites Gallery: The platform enables users to save their favorite creations forever and access them anytime in a personal gallery.
  • Full Customization Control: Dreamup.ai provides a simple interface to control every aspect of the creation process, ensuring that users can personalize their art to their liking.
  • Interactive Gallery: A gorgeous interactive gallery is available for users to browse, share, and curate their art, enhancing the user experience.
  • Searchable Art: All art is fully searchable based on subject or theme, making it easy to find and organize artworks.
  • High-Resolution Upscaling: The tool offers AI-powered upscaling to enhance images and face repair, ensuring high-quality results.


AI art platform for unlimited creation and sharing

Key Features

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