

AI-powered content creation tool for streamlined video production

  • Automatic transcription, translation, and video clip generation

  • Personalized subtitles with themes and emojis

  • Designed for creators, freelancers, agencies, SMEs


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What is Capte

Capte is an AI-powered platform that simplifies content creation by providing automatic transcription, translation, and video clip generation. It allows users to easily enhance their videos with features like personalized subtitles, themes, and emojis. Capte is designed for creators, freelancers, agencies, and SMEs to streamline the production of engaging, high-quality content for social media platforms.

Key Features of Capte

- Automatic Subtitles: Generate subtitles for your videos within seconds using AI.

- Translation: Offers fast and efficient multiple-language support.

- Personalized Style: Customize subtitles with unique styles, effects, emojis, and themes for differentiation.

- Video Excerpts: Automatically generate dozens of clips from a single video to maximize content output.

- Full HD Export: Export videos in Full HD and 4K without any loss of quality, supporting formats like HDR, MP4, and MOV.

- Safezones: Provides safe zones for each social network to ensure proper placement of items.

- Themes: Access unique themes to simplify the styling of your videos.

- Magic Emojis: Automatically enrich your videos' subtitles with emojis for added flair.

- Magic Posts: Generate inspiring social media posts for each video, tailored to the associated network.

- Easy Editing: Edit your content with a user-friendly editor to add your personal touch.

- Content Optimization: Streamline your content creation process by turning one video into multiple engaging pieces.



- Cost: $7/month

- Features:

  • 10 minutes per video
  • 200MB per video
  • No translation
  • No support


- Cost: $20/month

- Features:

  • 35 minutes per video
  • 1GB per video
  • Automatic translation
  • Unlimited chat support
  • Social media templates
  • Hundreds of themes for subtitles
  • No 4k export
  • No font uploads


- Cost: $50/month

- Features:

  • 120 minutes per video
  • 5GB per video
  • Unlimited and priority support
  • Brand kit


AI-powered content creation tool for streamlined video production

Key Features

💰 Paid
⏳ Free Trial

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