
AI-powered platform for fast and easy weekly updates

  • AI-powered platform for fast and simple weekly updates

  • Real-time collaboration and assignment of sections

  • AI gathers information for auto filling updates


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What is Broadcast

Broadcast is an AI-powered platform that allows users to quickly draft and share updates through Slack and email. It automates the process of writing weekly updates and provides features like collaboration, readership insights, and integration with existing tools. By leveraging AI, Broadcast helps users save time and improve communication within teams.

Key Features

  • Automated Composition: Generates first drafts automatically by gathering necessary information like metrics and tasks.
  • Collaboration: Allows real-time collaboration with options to assign sections and leave comments.
  • Readership Insights: Provides visibility into who is reading your updates on email and Slack.
  • Workflow Optimization: Helps set up and manage updates across the company, reducing communication burdens.
  • Integrations: Seamlessly connects with existing tools for enhanced functionality.
  • AI Assistance: Offers auto-suggest features to overcome writer’s block and start updates.
  • Easy Distribution: Enables writing once in Broadcast and sharing effortlessly over email and Slack.
  • Metrics Integration: Enriches updates with data, tying narratives together with numbers.
  • SOC-II Security: Ensures safety and security for user data.


AI-powered platform for fast and easy weekly updates

Key Features

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