
Allows users to repurpose videos and create automated content

  • Convert videos into various content formats

  • Repurpose content for social media and blog

  • AI-powered content creation and distribution


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What is Automata

Automata is an AI-powered platform that allows users to repurpose their video content into blogs, Twitter threads, and other formats. They offer different plans, including a pay-as-you-go option, to cater to various needs and budgets. The platform also offers features like parallel content creation, platform-specific writing styles, and content repurposing templates to help users create and distribute content more efficiently.

Key Features

  • Content Distribution: Streamline the distribution process to increase reach and engagement.
  • Monitor YouTube Channels and Blogs: Automatically generate repurposed content as new videos or blog posts are published.
  • Insights and Thought Leadership: Deliver valuable insights and establish thought leadership across all channels.
  • Integration with Knowledge Base: Build and utilize a knowledge base of marketing content for enhanced AI capabilities.
  • Content Transformation: Turn videos into blogs, blogs into Twitter threads, and over 150 other content transformations.
  • Content Creation on Autopilot: Monitor your YouTube channel or Blog feed and generate repurposed content as it’s published.
  • Platform-Specific Writing Styles: Tailor content to specific platforms for optimal engagement.
  • Content Repurposing Templates: Utilize templates to streamline the repurposing process.
  • Automated Content Machine: Unlock more value from every piece of content by intelligently re-using, recycling, and repurposing.
  • AI Chrome Extension for LinkedIn: Enhance your LinkedIn posts with AI-powered insights and repurposing capabilities.


Allows users to repurpose videos and create automated content

Key Features

πŸ’° Paid
🧩 Browser Extension
⏳ Free Trial

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