Chrome extension automating writing responses with AI

  • Empowering creativity with AI-driven insights

  • Boosting productivity through intelligent automation

  • Enhancing learning with AI-powered tools


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🧩 Browser Extension



What is AIDuh

AIDuh is an innovative AI platform designed to streamline processes, enhance creativity, and facilitate learning through a suite of intelligent tools. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, AIDuh offers solutions that cater to a wide range of needs, from content creation and coding assistance to educational support. It aims to empower users by making complex tasks simpler and more accessible, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity across various domains.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Responses: Chrome extension that significantly reduces writing time by 98% with AI-generated responses.
  • Property-Specific Knowledge: Utilizes a knowledge document of up to 800 words to generate accurate and relevant responses.
  • Guest Data Integration: Draws on reservation details for personalized communication.
  • Chat History Continuity: Ensures conversation continuity by referencing previous chat history.
  • High-Quality AI Models: Uses OpenAI GPT3 Davinci-003 and GPT NeoX 20B for high-quality text generation.


Chrome extension automating writing responses with AI

Key Features

💲 Freemium
🧩 Browser Extension

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