

AI-powered customer service tool for Shopify merchants, boosting productivity and satisfaction

  • Automates customer service for Shopify merchants

  • Boost agent productivity, reduce operating costs, improve customer satisfaction

  • Handles order management, subscriptions, feedback, social media moderation


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What is Yuma

Yuma is an AI-powered customer service automation tool designed for Shopify merchants. It enhances agent productivity, reduces operating costs, and improves customer satisfaction by automating tasks such as order management, subscription handling, and social media moderation. Yuma integrates seamlessly with ecommerce platforms and provides 24/7 support, helping businesses scale efficiently without increasing headcount.

Key Features of Yuma

- Automated Customer Service: Yuma's AI automates customer service tasks, reducing agent workload and increasing response efficiency.

- Order & Payment Management: Handles customer order inquiries, edits, and cancellations autonomously.

- Subscription Management: Integrates with subscription services, managing and editing subscription queries automatically.

- Feedback & Reviews: Protects your brand reputation by autonomously addressing feedback on review platforms and escalating critical reviews to managers.

- Post-Sales & Product Troubleshooting: Manages complex post-purchase technical inquiries to boost satisfaction and encourage repeat business.

- Social Media Moderation: Automates replies and alerts for negative comments, maintaining your social media presence.

- Refunds, Returns & Exchanges: Guides customers through returns, refunds, and exchanges processes, improving customer loyalty.

- Shipping & Deliveries: Manages WISMO and tracking inquiries, freeing agents for more valuable interactions.

- Pre-Sales Questions: Quickly addresses pre-sales inquiries, aiding in the customer buying journey.

- Tagging & Escalations: Automatically tags tickets by intent and escalates to human agents when a personalized response is needed.

- Spam & Automated Replies Filtering: Cleans the support inbox by filtering out unnecessary noise, saving agents' time.

- Pre-Trained Ecommerce Knowledge: Yuma's intent library is pre-trained on ecommerce processes, ensuring accurate and timely responses.

- On-Brand Automated Messages: Uses generative AI to craft responses that reflect your brand's tone and personality.

- Autonomous Actions and Processes: Yuma’s Auto-Pilot autonomously converses with customers and acts on requests, such as editing orders or pausing subscriptions.

- Agent Productivity Tools: Provides agents with a helpdesk widget for clear, grammatically correct, and empathetic responses.

- 24/7 Omnichannel Support: Offers round-the-clock, personalized support in any language across email, chat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and review platforms.

- Seamless Integration: Integrates smoothly with Shopify tools and plugins, including helpdesk, 3pl, returns, subscriptions, and loyalty and review systems.

- Significant ROI: Demonstrated by metrics such as a 49% ticket automation rate, 32% increase in agent productivity, and a 22-point improvement in CSAT scores.

- Rapid Implementation: Achieves 49% ticket automation in just 2 months and 5x faster setup than other AI platforms.


AI-powered customer service tool for Shopify merchants, boosting productivity and satisfaction

Key Features

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