

Learn faster and interactively with AI-generated flashcards

  • Generate flashcards from YouTube videos, articles, and PDFs

  • Export your flashcards to Wisdolia or Anki for spaced repetition learning

  • Personalized feedback on your learning journey


💲 Freemium


🧩 Browser Extension

What is Wisdolia?

Wisdolia is an AI-powered educational tool designed to enhance your study routine by generating personalized flashcards. The platform allows you to create flashcards from various content types, including YouTube videos, articles, and PDFs, and provides customized feedback to optimize your learning.

Key Features

  • Content Versatility: Create flashcards from YouTube videos, PDFs, slide decks, articles, and online textbooks.
  • Personalized Feedback: Receive specific feedback on what you got right, wrong, and left out during your study sessions.
  • Language Support: Wisdolia can read and make cards in any language.
  • Export Options: Save your flashcards to Wisdolia or export them to the spaced repetition platform Anki.

What Sets Wisdolia Apart

Here are some competitive advantages of Wisdolia compared to other AI-driven flashcard makers like Revisely and Limbiks:

  • Content Diversity: Unlike competitors, Wisdolia supports many content types, including YouTube videos and PDFs.
  • Personalized Tutoring: The platform provides personalized feedback, simulating a mini personal tutor experience.
  • Language Flexibility: Wisdolia supports multiple languages, making it versatile for a global audience.


Learn faster and interactively with AI-generated flashcards

Key Features

💲 Freemium
🧩 Browser Extension

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