
AI-powered email marketing platform for enhanced B2B lead generation

  • Unlimited email accounts for high-volume email sending

  • Access 700M+ verified B2B contacts

  • Comprehensive campaign performance analytics


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What is is an AI-powered email marketing platform designed to enhance B2B lead generation and outreach. It offers features like AI-driven email writing, unlimited email accounts, and comprehensive analytics to optimize campaign performance. Users can access over 700 million verified B2B contacts and utilize tools for email warmup, validation, and delivery optimization to maximize their outreach efficiency.

Key Features of

- Unlimited Email Outreach: Connect and dispatch emails from unlimited sending accounts without affecting your email reputation. Easily handle high-volume dispatches and overcome communication limits.

- AI-Powered Writer: Harness the power of AI to craft tailored, professional emails. Automatically maintain brand voice and optimize content for higher engagement and effective communication.

- Lead Finder: Gain access to a vast database of 700M+ verified B2B leads. Utilize advanced filters to target prospects by industry, company size, location, and more.

- Unlimited Email Warmup: Ensure your emails remain out of spamboxes with automated warmup services. Activate with a single click for maximum email delivery efficiency.

- InboxHub: Streamline your email management with advanced tools for scheduling, responding, and organizing emails. Transform every interaction into a sales opportunity.

- Advanced Campaign Management: Set up and manage email campaigns with ease using advanced sequencing options. Achieve quick and effective results.

- Powerful Campaign Analytics: Track, refine, and optimize your email campaigns using intuitive analytics tools. Make informed decisions to enhance email marketing performance.

- Inbox Rotation: Distribute email sending across multiple accounts to maintain a natural outreach approach. Save time and improve campaign effectiveness.

- Email Validation and Domain Testing: Validate lead lists and test domain configurations effortlessly to boost email delivery rates and campaign effectiveness.

- High Return on Investment: Proven track records of generating leads and enhancing outreach efficiencies, achieving significant ROI for users.


14-Day Free Trial

  • Cost: $0
  • Features: 50 active contacts, 100 total emails, 50 AI Writer credits, 30 leads included, unlimited email accounts and warmup.

Growth Plan

  • Monthly Cost: $33
  • Annual Cost: Save 30%
  • Features:
    • 1,200 active contacts
    • 6,000 emails monthly
    • 2,500 AI Writer credits
    • Unlimited email accounts and warmup
    • Live chat support

Skyrocket Plan

  • Monthly Cost: $77
  • Annual Cost: Save 30%
  • Features:
    • 50,000 active contacts
    • 200,000 emails monthly
    • 7,500 AI Writer credits
    • Unlimited email accounts and warmup
    • Premium support

10x Scale Plan

  • Monthly Cost: $297
  • Annual Cost: Save 30%
  • Features:
    • 500,000 active contacts
    • 1,000,000 emails monthly
    • 30,000 AI Writer credits
    • Unlimited email accounts and warmup
    • Premium support

AI-powered email marketing platform for enhanced B2B lead generation

Key Features

💰 Paid
⏳ Free Trial

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