
Seamlessly integrate AI creativity into Figma

  • Discover design inspiration with an AI search engine for image

  • Search millions of images generated by designers

  • AI generates high-quality images, paintings in minutes


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What is SplashAI

SplashAI is a platform that offers a Figma plugin, a search engine, and an AI image generator. Users can search for ideas from millions of images generated by designers and utilize AI to generate unique images. The platform works seamlessly with Figma, allowing users to access its features without leaving the design tool. There is a free version available, and the platform has been used by over 3,000 designers.

Key Features

  • Figma Plugin: Allows users to access SplashAI directly from Figma.
  • Search Engine: Enables users to search for ideas and images generated by fellow designers.
  • AI Image Generator: Generates high-quality images, such as a cat portrait painted by Van Gogh in 4K, in just one minute.
  • Collaboration: Teams of all sizes can collaborate on creating professional-looking presentations and sales pitches.
  • AI-powered Content Generation: Helps users articulate their ideas and generate content.
  • Web Reference Search: AI tool can search for references across the web.


Seamlessly integrate AI creativity into Figma

Key Features

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