
AI-powered mobile keyboard that automates typing and tasks

  • Mobile typing with AI automation

  • Enhances productivity through an intuitive keyboard layout

  • Turn conversations into actions with smart task detection


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What is Slate

Slate is an AI-powered mobile keyboard that revolutionizes typing by automating tasks and turning conversations into actions. It’s designed to automate tasks and enhance productivity through an intuitive keyboard layout that understands user intent, even with off-center taps. Slate’s AI capabilities detect actionable tasks during typing, effectively turning the keyboard into a versatile productivity assistant across various apps. This innovative approach to typing aims to streamline digital communication and task management on mobile devices.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Typing: Automates tasks through AI-enhanced typing on your mobile device.
  • Intuitive Keyboard Layout: Treats the digital keyboard as a 2D plane, allowing for more natural typing even when tapping off-center.
  • Task Automation: Detects actionable tasks as you type, turning the keyboard into a productivity assistant.
  • Universal App Compatibility: Works across various apps on your phone, enhancing overall typing and productivity.


AI-powered mobile keyboard that automates typing and tasks

Key Features

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