

AI-powered tool for ranking and converting with keywords

  • Find easy-to-rank keywords with high conversion potential

  • AI-powered content generation and optimization platform

  • Identify valuable content and improve conversion rates


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What is SEOCopilot

SEOCopilot is an AI-powered tool that helps users generate content ideas and find keywords with low competition and high conversion potential. It offers features to rank easily, increase conversions, and save time by prioritizing content production. With SEOCopilot, users can create valuable content for their websites and improve their conversion rates. The tool also provides access to keyword opportunities and is trusted by many users.

Key Features

  • Low Competition Keyword Discovery: Identifies keywords with minimal competition for easier ranking.
  • Conversion-Focused Keywords: Determines keywords that lead to conversions, directing content efforts effectively.
  • Time-Saving Content Prioritization: Focuses on content production that generates revenue.
  • Keyword Performance Simulation: Estimates the business value of good keywords.
  • AI-Driven Keyword Suggestions: Utilizes AI models to suggest keywords based on real user queries and Google Search Console data.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization: Generates keyword ideas based on historical data and conversion prediction.
  • Content Conversion Analysis: Advanced technology to identify webpages that drive conversions and optimize SEO content.


SEOCopilot Free

  • Cost: Free
  • Features:
    • 1000 keyword ideas with high potential
    • Content creation assistance with ChatGPT
    • Voltaire feature for domain-specific expertise
    • Online support
    • Suitable for new websites

SEOCopilot Subscription

  • Cost: $499/month/domain
  • Features:
    • Unlimited keyword ideas for increased sales
    • Advanced content creation with ChatGPT, including multiple prompts and model selection (GPT 3.5, 4, FineTuned)
    • Monitoring of strategic positions and KPIs
    • Tracking of SEO content performance and conversions
    • Online support
    • Ideal for websites with more than 100 pages and a focus on conversion improvement

SEOCopilot Enterprise

  • Pricing: Contact for quotation
  • Features:
    • All features of the Subscription plan
    • Unlimited keyword ideas with advanced performance
    • Dedicated support and resources
    • Multi-domain recommendations
    • Custom solutions for large-scale websites or those with specific needs

Please check here for more details about SEOCopilot’s pricing.


AI-powered tool for ranking and converting with keywords

Key Features

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