
Get key podcast insights in seconds with AI

  • Unlock podcast insights in seconds with intuitive search and summaries

  • Engage actively with content through full transcripts

  • Streamline your podcast experience with on-demand summaries


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What is Scribbler

Scribbler is an AI-powered tool that provides quick and clear summaries of podcasts and YouTube videos. Users can choose from a library of top podcasts or request a summary on demand. It offers features such as easy search, access to full transcripts with timestamps, and the ability to engage in conversation with the content. Users can subscribe to receive curated email digests and can get summaries in seconds, streamlining the gathering of information.

Key Features

  • Intuitive Search: Dive right into the content you’re seeking with an intuitive search function.
  • Powerful Insights: Quick, clear summaries and key takeaways from podcasts without the need to listen for hours.
  • Full Transcripts: Access to full transcripts with clickable timestamps for easy navigation.
  • Active Engagement: Transform passive listening into active engagement by diving into conversations directly from the content.
  • Curated Email Digests: Subscribe to receive curated email digests, bringing the essence of podcasts directly to your inbox.
  • On-Demand Summaries: Request a summary to quickly embrace the essence of the content, streamlined for you.


Get key podcast insights in seconds with AI

Key Features

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