

Protect digital content with blockchain-verified authenticity certificates

  • Fast and efficient digital content verification tool

  • Enhances copyright protection and proof of authenticity

  • Uses eco-friendly blockchain for verification


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What is ScoreDetect

ScoreDetect is a digital content protection tool that allows users to create verification certificates for their digital content. These certificates provide proof of authenticity and enhance copyright protection. ScoreDetect supports various types of digital content, and users can obtain verification certificates quickly. The tool is known for its speed, accessibility, and affordability, making it an efficient solution for protecting digital creations.

Key Features of ScoreDetect

- Ownership Verification: Provides certificates for digital content to prove ownership and protect against copyright disputes.

- Rapid Certificate Generation: Allows users to obtain verification certificates in just a few seconds, ensuring timely protection.

- Wide Range of Content: Supports various digital content types, including text, images, audio, and video.

- No Storage of Digital Assets: Only the checksum of the content is stored on the blockchain, not the actual digital assets, maintaining user data security.

- Eco-Friendly Blockchain: Utilizes the SKALE blockchain, an environmentally-friendly option with zero gas fees and predictable costs.

- Secure and Private: Employs advanced encryption and blockchain technology to ensure the security and integrity of data.

- Historical Content Protection: Allows safeguarding and timestamping of historical digital content such as past blog posts and archived photos.

- Accessibility: Offers a free model with basic protection features and premium plans for additional benefits.

- Integration Capabilities: Integrates with numerous platforms, including WordPress, Zapier, Adobe Sign, Dropbox, Google Drive, and many more.

- User-Friendly Interface: Easy account setup and a seamless user experience for managing protected content and verification certificates.


Protect digital content with blockchain-verified authenticity certificates

Key Features

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