
Generate production-ready React code from custom designs instantly

  • Generates clean, extendable React code

  • AI-powered platform for building React apps

  • Full control over code, export components, push to GitHub


💲 Freemium

What is Quest

Quest is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the development of React applications by generating clean, production-ready code from custom designs. It integrates various design systems like MUI and Chakra, enabling developers to build responsive, multi-screen applications with ease. The platform offers tools for animations, code generation, and seamless design-to-development updates, ensuring full control and flexibility for product teams, startups, and agencies.

Key Features of Quest

Automated Code Generation: Converts designs from Figma directly into clean, extendable ReactJS code.

Seamless GitHub Integration: Easily preview your app and push finalized code components to your GitHub repository.

Responsive Design Features: Supports building multi-screen experiences with custom breakpoints.

Integrated Animation Library: Allows creation of state and variant animations without writing code.

Design System Compatibility: Native support for MUI, Chakra, and upcoming Ant design systems, with the flexibility to integrate your custom design systems.

Separation of Concerns: Intelligent separation of presentation layer and business logic for easy design updates without code rewrites.

Full Code Ownership: Download or push code to GitHub, fully owning the generated code without vendor lock-in.

Developer-Centric Approach: Automates tedious tasks while giving developers full control over app creation.

Scalable Component Library: Export individual components or entire React apps, incorporating industry-standard practices.

Comprehensive Templates: Over 1000 structured design templates and components to accelerate app development.

Team Collaboration Tools: Organize work by apps and workspaces to enhance team collaboration and streamline processes.

Efficient Workflow for Product Teams: Optimizes design-development flow, supporting system and library creation for scalability.

Enhanced Agency Productivity: Enables agencies to finish projects faster with higher quality, allowing for more project intake and revenue growth.

Accelerated Startup Development: Helps startups build, launch, and iterate on products faster, eliminating frontend resource bottlenecks.

Extensible and Clean Codebase: Generates production-ready, clean code that adheres to industry standards and allows for custom business logic integration.

Comprehensive Documentation and Support: Provides detailed documentation to facilitate smooth onboarding and usage.


Generate production-ready React code from custom designs instantly

Key Features

💲 Freemium

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