

AI sales simulator and coaching platform for enhanced sales performance

  • Sales training software with AI simulations

  • Role-play and coaching for sales reps

  • Improving sales performance through practice and insights


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What is quantified.ai

Quantified.ai is a sales training software that uses AI simulations to role-play and coach sales representatives. The platform helps reps improve their sales skills through practice and coaching, leading to better performance and increased revenue. It offers insights into rep capabilities, scales performance across teams, and helps ramp team members up to 42% faster. The platform also provides certification and has been trusted by top-selling organizations.

Key Features

  • AI-Simulated Role-Play: Offers realistic AI simulations for sales reps to practice and improve their selling skills.
  • AI-Coaching: Provides automated coaching to enhance sales performance, utilizing over 1,400 behavior evaluations.
  • Performance Insights: Delivers in-depth analysis of sales reps’ skills, focusing on rapport, product knowledge, and sales processes.
  • Scalable Training: Enables consistent and scalable training across sales teams, regardless of size.
  • Accelerated Ramp-Up Time: Aims to reduce the time required for new team members to reach full productivity by 42%.
  • Certification Process: Streamlines the product and messaging certification process, ensuring consistency and saving time.


AI sales simulator and coaching platform for enhanced sales performance

Key Features

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