

AI-powered tool for streamlined podcast production and promotion

  • Effortlessly transcribes and generates podcast content

  • Transcription, show notes, social media posts, clip creation

  • Repurposes podcasts into clips for social media


💰 Paid


🧩 Browser Extension
⏳ Free Trial



What is Podsqueeze

Podsqueeze is an AI-powered tool that automates podcast production and promotion. It offers features such as transcription, show notes generation, newsletters and blogs, social media posts, and clip creation. Users can also enhance audio quality and streamline content creation for multiple podcasts. The tool has received positive reviews from podcast professionals for its useful outputs and ability to keep the voices of each show consistent.

Key Features of Podsqueeze

- Automated Podcast Transcripts: Automatically transcribe your podcast with high accuracy and speaker labeling, generating comprehensive show notes and social media posts in your unique voice.

- Show Notes Creation: Generate detailed show notes with timestamps, bullet points, and mentions, summarizing your podcast content efficiently.

- Content Repurposing: Easily create blog posts and newsletters with key takeaways from your episodes, providing actionable content for various platforms.

- Social Media Integration: Produce short posts and insights to share on social media, increasing visibility and engagement for your podcast.

- Clips and Audiograms: Effortlessly turn podcast chapters into clips or audiograms for platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts using customizable templates.

- Text-Based Editing: Edit subtitles and trim videos by removing specific words directly from the text, fine-tuning your clips and audiograms.

- One-Click Shorts: Allow AI to shorten podcast chapters to under 60 seconds for YouTube Shorts with a single click, making content creation quick and easy.

- AI Audio Enhancement: Enhance audio quality by removing silences and ums, and improving sound quality seamlessly with advanced AI algorithms.

- Organized Content Management: Create podcast folders to keep episodes organized, easily share content with clients and teams, and plan future episodes with advanced topic finders.

- Podcast Multi-Management: Tailor AI voices for each show, maintaining consistency across different podcasts you manage with prompts and saved settings.

- Educational Resources: Access masterclasses and resources to improve podcasting skills, featuring tips and insights from experienced podcasters and users of Podsqueeze.

- Comprehensive Tool Suite: Includes features such as a transcript generator, subtitles generator, description generator, titles generator, bullet points generator, chapters & clips generator, social media posts generator, newsletter generator, blog post generator, podcast landing pages, podcast clip maker, and audiogram generator.

- Privacy and Compliance: Adheres to privacy policies and allows users to manage cookie preferences to enhance their website experience.


Free Plan:

  • Cost: $0/month (Billed Annually)
  • Features:
    • 50 mins of podcast time per month
    • 1 video clip (with watermark)
    • Unlimited quote images (with watermark)
    • File upload up to 4Gb
    • 1 upload
    • Podcast landing pages

Starter Plan:

  • Monthly Cost: $15
  • Annual Cost: $11/month ($132 Billed Annually)
  • Features:
    • 160 mins of podcast time per month
    • 5 video clips or audiograms (with watermark)
    • Unlimited quote images (with watermark)
    • File upload up to 4Gb
    • Unlimited Uploads
    • Podcast landing pages

Pro Plan:

  • Monthly Cost: $39
  • Annual Cost: $27/month ($324 Billed Annually)
  • Features:
    • 320 mins of podcast time per month
    • Personalize AI voice
    • 10 video clips or audiograms (no watermark)
    • Unlimited quote images (no watermark)
    • File upload up to 10Gb
    • Podcast Topic Research Tool
    • Unlimited Uploads
    • Podcast landing pages

Agency Lite Plan:

  • Monthly Cost: $59
  • Annual Cost: $41/month ($495 Billed Annually)
  • Features:
    • 600 mins of podcast time per month
    • Personalize AI voice
    • 20 video clips or audiograms
    • Unlimited quote images
    • File upload up to 10Gb
    • Podcast Topic Research Tool
    • Unlimited Uploads
    • Podcast landing pages

Agency Plus Plan:

  • Monthly Cost: $149
  • Annual Cost: $104/month ($1,251 Billed Annually)
  • Features:
    • 2000 mins of podcast time per month
    • Personalize AI voice
    • 40 video clips or audiograms
    • Unlimited quote images
    • File upload up to 10Gb
    • Podcast Topic Research Tool
    • Unlimited Uploads
    • Podcast landing pages

Agency Scale Plan:

  • Monthly Cost: $259
  • Annual Cost: $181/month ($2,175 Billed Annually)
  • Features:
    • 4000 mins of podcast time per month
    • Personalize AI voice
    • 80 video clips or audiograms
    • Unlimited quote images
    • File upload up to 10Gb
    • Podcast Topic Research Tool
    • Unlimited Uploads
    • Podcast landing pages


AI-powered tool for streamlined podcast production and promotion

Key Features

💰 Paid
🧩 Browser Extension
⏳ Free Trial

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