
An AI-powered platform providing comprehensive research, condensation, and deep dive

  • AI-powered platform with over 300 million papers

  • Real-time updates from 20,000+ journals

  • Real-time updates and ability to disable web support


💲 Freemium

What is OpenRead

OpenRead is an AI-powered platform that provides a comprehensive research experience. Users can access a vast repository of over 300 million papers and trillions of web sources to gain valuable insights. The platform offers features such as AI-powered paper condensation, deep dive Q&A, and related paper visual maps, making it easy to grasp ideas and organize notes. It also provides real-time updates and the ability to disable web support for focused tasks. OpenRead aims to transform the research experience and keep users inspired and informed.

Key Features of OpenRead

- Comprehensive Paper Search: Access a vast database of over 300 million academic papers, updated every 5 minutes from more than 20,000 journals for the most current research.

- Extensive Web Search: Tap into trillions of web sources that cover virtually every topic of interest, providing comprehensive and inspiring information.

- AI-Powered Insights: Utilize advanced algorithms to highlight the most captivating papers based on user interactions, potentially bringing your own research to a broader audience.

- Focused Interaction: Disable web access with a simple click to concentrate on tasks like coding or data analysis without distractions from the internet.

- Seamless Research Experience: Integrate notes and insights directly with the related paper for an efficient and organized workflow.

- Paper Espresso: Quickly condense paper content using AI, helping you grasp key points and determine the paper's relevance to your research effectively.

- Paper Q&A: Ask specific questions about a paper as if guided by a personal tutor, saving time by avoiding the need to navigate other platforms.

- Related Paper Graph: Explore the relationship between papers through visual maps, uncovering depth and connections in the research field.

- Persistent Memory: Maintain a complete conversation history in a hierarchical tree structure, allowing easy recall and modification of past interactions.

- Trend Tracking: Subscribe to topics with ease, staying informed about the latest publications and trends in your research field.


Free Plan:

  • Cost: $0/month
  • Features:
    • 5 Paper Espresso per month
    • 5 Paper Q&A per month
    • 5 Chat with Oat sessions per month
    • 5 Answer by Oat (search) queries per month
    • 5 Related Paper Graphs per month
    • 5 Paper Requests per month
    • 5 uses of Translate with LLM per month
    • Unlimited PDF uploads and parsing

Basic Plan (Most Popular):

  • Cost: $5/month
  • Features:
    • 100 Paper Espresso per month
    • 300 Paper Q&A per month
    • 300 Chat with Oat sessions per month
    • 300 Answer by Oat (search) queries per month
    • 300 Related Paper Graphs per month
    • 30 Paper Requests per month
    • 300 uses of Translate with LLM per month
    • Unlimited PDF uploads and parsing

Premium Plan:

  • Cost: $20/month
  • Features:
    • Unlimited usage of Paper Espresso
    • Unlimited Paper Q&A
    • Unlimited Chat with Oat
    • Unlimited Answer by Oat (search) queries
    • Unlimited Related Paper Graphs
    • Unlimited Paper Requests
    • Unlimited uses of Translate with LLM
    • Unlimited PDF uploads and parsing


An AI-powered platform providing comprehensive research, condensation, and deep dive

Key Features

💲 Freemium

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