
A personal knowledge search engine that organizes and recalls saved content

  • Private, searchable knowledge base for web content

  • Instantly search and find information across bookmarks

  • AI-powered direct answers for effortless information recall


🆓 Free


🧩 Browser Extension

What is mindECHO

mindECHO is a personal knowledge search engine that transforms your web interactions into a private, searchable knowledge base. It allows users to quickly locate content from bookmarks, reading lists, and saved articles through a single search interface, using smart search capabilities to find information based on vague recollections. The platform offers direct answers sourced from users' saved content and manages extensive archives seamlessly, eliminating the need for further organization.

Key Features of mindECHO

- Personal Knowledge Search Engine: mindECHO transforms your web journey into a private, searchable knowledge base.

- Instant Bookmark Search: Find content across your bookmarks and saved items instantly, providing relevant answers from your personal web archive.

- Full-Text Search: Quickly locate specific content, passages, or details you've saved, even if you don't remember the exact wording, source, or language.

- Universal Search Box: A single search box within the browser covers all locations, from bookmarks and reading lists to various bookmarking tools.

- Smart Search: Rediscover content based on vague recollections without needing exact keywords, making it easier to find saved information.

- Direct AI-Powered Answers: Receive immediate, AI-sourced answers directly from your saved content, minimizing effort to recall information.

- Unlimited Storage: Seamlessly manage your entire knowledge journey across all sources, handling hundreds of thousands of bookmarks, saves, and browsing history.

- Effortless Organization: Your knowledge base is built automatically from everything you've read and bookmarked, requiring no additional organizing or memorizing.

- Easy Access: Start accessing your web memory and knowledge base now without any extra steps or setup.


A personal knowledge search engine that organizes and recalls saved content

Key Features

🆓 Free
🧩 Browser Extension

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