

AI-driven CLI tool aiding developers with streamlined coding processes

  • Assists coding via CLI

  • Handles additional tasks with Rawdog

  • Community support on Discord



🛠️ API

What is Mentat

Mentat is a Command Line Interface (CLI) development tool designed to assist you in the AI age by coding alongside developers. It streamlines the coding process while its companion tool, Rawdog, handles other tasks. The platform offers features such as a demo request and community support through Discord.

Key Features of Mentat

- CLI Dev Tools for the AI Age: Mentat and Rawdog offer command-line interface development tools optimized for the artificial intelligence era.

- Mentat Coding Assistance: Mentat assists in coding tasks, streamlining development processes.


AI-driven CLI tool aiding developers with streamlined coding processes

Key Features

🛠️ API

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