

AI landing page generator create pages in seconds

  • Create stunning landing pages with AI in seconds

  • Customize and design with ease using AI-generated content and visuals

  • Expand your reach with multilingual copy and diverse CTA integrations


💰 Paid


🛠️ API



What is Makelanding

Makelanding is an AI-powered landing page generator that allows users to create professional landing pages quickly. With AI technology, users can input their project description and the platform will generate a fully functional landing page with copy, buttons, illustrations, and a logo. Users can customize the page and have the option to share the generated link or download the code. The platform offers different pricing plans and supports multiple languages.

Key Features

  • AI-Generated Copy: The AI uses millions of converting headlines to write compelling copy that sells in over 50 languages.
  • Customizable Illustrations: Users can choose from 6 art styles and 12 color themes to generate pixel-perfect images, or use a library of 5 million stock photos.
  • Diverse Call-to-Action Options: Supports linking to various call-to-actions, such as Apple Store links, crowdfunding campaigns, charities, or online courses.
  • Easy-to-Use Page Editor: Allows for editing the landing page, including changes to copy, buttons, links, and illustrations, as well as adding or removing sections.
  • Custom Domain Support: Offers the ability to have a custom domain for the landing page, enhancing brand presence and professionalism.


Makelanding Starter

  • Cost: $9 USD/month
  • Features:
    • Create up to 10 pages per month
    • Unlimited logos, illustrations, and copywriting
    • Link to share
    • Site editor

Makelanding Pro

  • Cost: $19 USD/month
  • Features:
    • Create up to 50 pages per month
    • Unlimited logos, illustrations, and copywriting
    • Link to share
    • Site editor
    • Analytics
    • Custom Domain
    • Customer Support

Makelanding Premium

  • Cost: $29 USD/month
  • Features:
    • Create up to 150 pages per month
    • Unlimited logos, illustrations, and copywriting
    • Link to share
    • Site editor
    • Analytics
    • API Access
    • Custom Domain
    • Customer Support

Please check here for more details about Makelanding’s pricing.


AI landing page generator create pages in seconds

Key Features

💰 Paid
🛠️ API

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