
AI-driven platform for automated, scalable email outreach and follow-ups

  • Automated email campaigns for business growth

  • Unlimited email accounts with AI-powered automation

  • Maximize outreach and increase revenue with optimized deliverability


💲 Freemium


#Email Assistant

What is is an AI-driven tool that allows users to run automated email campaigns for business growth. It offers features such as unlimited email accounts, automation, AI email writing, email verification, and more. Users can connect with any email service provider and upload unlimited contacts. aims to maximize outreach and increase revenue by optimizing email deliverability and replies.

Key Features of

- AI Email Writer: Automatically write and setup your email campaigns by providing a few details.

- Unlimited Email Accounts: Connect multiple email accounts without extra charges.

- Automation: Upload and verify contacts, set up campaigns with AI assistance, and automate daily email sends.

- Real-Time Email Verification: Maximize deliverability and engagement with real-time email verification.

- Warmup Features: Boost sender reputation and open rates with automatic email warmup for both mailbox and campaign content.

- Inbox Rotation: Increase email delivery success and reduce spam flags with smart sender rotation.

- Flexibility in Email Providers: Connect any email service provider, including Google Workspace, Outlook, Zoho, and custom accounts through SMTP.

- Campaign Optimizer: Enhance deliverability and replies with AI-optimized sending patterns.

- Unlimited Contacts: Upload a limitless amount of contacts for extensive outreach opportunities.

- Custom Tracking Domains: Use specific domains to track email campaigns and gather advanced reports.

- Comprehensive Automation: Fully automate your email campaigns, from setup to execution.

- Free Warmup Service: Included with all plans to help maintain a strong sender reputation.

- Cost-Effective Plans: Affordable pricing options that include unlimited features for varied needs.

- Active Contact Definitions: Unique email IDs contacted monthly, with unused credits not counting against you for follow-up emails.

- Proprietary Done-For-You (DFY) Service: Get additional support in lead generation and campaign setup.

- Background Email Verifier: Verify emails in the background without slowing down your workflow.

- AI-Powered Features: Maximize revenue and replies by automating and optimizing outreach using AI technology.

- Extensive Reporting: Gain insights through advanced reporting features included in all plans.

- Support and Resources: Access an extensive help center, FAQ, and ticket support for queries and guidance.

- Advanced Warmup System: Combining mailbox and campaign-level warmups for highest deliverability rates.


Free Plan:

  • Cost: $0/month
  • Features:
    • Unlimited Email Accounts
    • Unlimited Email Warmup
    • Support Ticket
    • No credit card required
    • Restricted to Gmail & Google Workspace accounts only

Startup Plan:

  • Starting from $24/month
  • Features:
    • Unlimited Email Accounts
    • Unlimited Email Warmup
    • 1,000 Active Contacts/month
    • Unlimited Emails Monthly
    • Unlimited Uploaded Contacts
    • Email Verifier
    • AI Writer
    • Unlimited Team Members
    • Unlimited Campaigns
    • Unlimited Campaign Warmup
    • Unlimited Sequences
    • Custom Tracking Domain
    • Support Ticket
    • Advanced Reports

Growth Plan:

  • Starting from $49/month
  • Features:
    • Unlimited Email Accounts
    • Unlimited Email Warmup
    • 5,000 Active Contacts/month
    • Unlimited Emails Monthly
    • Unlimited Uploaded Contacts
    • Email Verifier
    • AI Writer
    • Unlimited Team Members
    • Unlimited Campaigns
    • Unlimited Campaign Warmup
    • Unlimited Sequences
    • Custom Tracking Domain
    • Support Ticket
    • Advanced Reports

Pro Plan:

  • Starting from $99/month
  • Features:
    • Unlimited Email Accounts
    • Unlimited Email Warmup
    • Unlimited Active Contacts/month
    • Unlimited Emails Monthly
    • Unlimited Uploaded Contacts
    • Email Verifier
    • AI Writer
    • Unlimited Team Members
    • Unlimited Campaigns
    • Unlimited Campaign Warmup
    • Unlimited Sequences
    • Custom Tracking Domain
    • Support Ticket
    • Advanced Reports

AI-driven platform for automated, scalable email outreach and follow-ups

Key Features

💲 Freemium

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