A programming language for robust LLM interaction and prompting

  • LMQL is a programming language for LLMs

  • Nested Queries bring Procedural Programming to Prompting

  • LMQL automatically makes your LLM code portable across several backends


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What is LMQL

LMQL is a programming language specifically designed for interacting with LLMs (Language Models). It offers robust and modular prompting capabilities using types, templates, constraints, and an optimizing runtime. LMQL now supports nested queries, enabling procedural programming in prompting, and it works across various backends with a single line of code.

Key Features

  • Programming Language for LLMs: LMQL is designed as a programming language specifically for Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Modular Prompting: Offers robust and modular prompting using types, templates, constraints, and an optimizing runtime.
  • Nested Queries: Supports nested queries for modularized local instructions and re-use of prompt components.
  • Backend Flexibility: Automatically makes LLM code portable across several backends, allowing easy switching.
  • Expressive Python Control Flow: Prompt construction and generation are implemented via expressive Python control flow and string interpolation.
  • Multi-Part Prompts: Facilitates the creation of multi-part prompts for complex queries.
  • Types and Regex Support: Supports types and regular expressions for more precise query formulation.
  • Tool Augmentation: Enhances tools with advanced prompting capabilities.


A programming language for robust LLM interaction and prompting

Key Features

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🛠️ API

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