Interview Solver


AI-driven desktop app for seamless coding interview assistance

  • Solves LeetCode problems with one-shot solutions

  • Provides syntax highlighting and flowchart support

  • Boosts interview performance according to testimonials


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What is Interview Solver

Interview Solver is a desktop application designed to assist users during coding interviews by providing instant solutions and responses through an AI copilot. The tool supports features such as screen grab analysis, global hotkeys, and full syntax highlighting for major programming languages, making it efficient and seamless for real-time use. Ideal for candidates looking to excel in technical interviews, it offers tools to solve LeetCode problems and design diagrams without switching tabs or triggering suspicion during live coding sessions.

Key Features of Interview Solver

- AI Copilot for Interviews: Acts as your support during live coding interviews, providing real-time answers to help you secure the job.

- Screengrab Tool: Allows users to send the contents of any window to the AI for quick solutions.

- LeetCode Problem Solving: Offers one-shot solutions to all LeetCode problems.

- Query Selected Text: Simply highlight any text in any app and press a hotkey for the AI copilot to read and respond.

- Global Hotkeys: Seamlessly interact with the AI without needing to alt-tab or move your mouse.

- Full Syntax Highlighting: Supports all major programming languages, along with diagrams and flowcharts.

- Optimized for Coding Interviews: Specifically designed to assist with coding interviews, covering an extensive set of LeetCode questions.


Free Trial:

  • Cost: $0
  • No credit card required for signup.

Monthly Plan:

  • Cost: $39 per month
  • Features:
    • Solves all Leetcode style problems
    • Solve from screengrabs
    • Solve from selected text
    • Global hotkeys
    • Flowchart & Diagrams
    • Full syntax highlighting

Quarterly Plan:

  • Cost: $30 per month (billed quarterly) 20% discount compared to the monthly plan
  • Features:
    • Solves all Leetcode style problems
    • Solve from screengrabs
    • Solve from selected text
    • Global hotkeys
    • Flowchart & Diagrams
    • Full syntax highlighting

Interview Solver

AI-driven desktop app for seamless coding interview assistance

Key Features

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⏳ Free Trial

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