
An AI chat platform powered by GPT-4

  • Seamless AI chat experiences

  • Discover conversational with GPT-4

  • Chat interactions with cutting-edge AI


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What is InputAI

InputAI is a chat feature on the website that is powered by GPT-4, the latest AI chat model from OpenAI. It offers a demo video and allows users to interact with the AI chat model by signing in with Google.

Key Features

  • GPT-4: An AI chat model that powers the conversation interface.
  • System Prompt: A feature that allows users to set the context and guide the conversation.
  • Demo Video: A visual demonstration showcasing the capabilities of InputAI.
  • Chat: A chat interface where users can interact and engage with InputAI.


InputAI Lite:

  • Cost: $9/month (34% off in Yearly Plan)
  • ChatGPT Access
  • Generate & process up to 857,000 characters (approximately 2,000 to 4,000 messages) per month
  • Access to over 20 AI Assistants crafted by InputAI
  • Start with a trial

InputAI Pro:

  • Cost: $29/month (34% off in Yearly Plan)
  • ChatGPT Access and GPT-4 Access (Most Advanced AI)
  • Generate & process up to 2.86 million characters (approximately 6,667 to 12,000 messages) per month
  • Access to over 20 AI Assistants crafted by InputAI
  • Ability to create your own AI Assistants
  • Note: GPT-4 uses up 30 times more characters than ChatGPT
  • Start with a trial

InputAI Enterprise:

  • Pricing: Contact for details
  • Includes everything in Pro
  • Custom Solutions for your Enterprise
  • Designed for managing AI Assistants for your team (10 to 1000 seats)


An AI chat platform powered by GPT-4

Key Features

💰 Paid
⏳ Free Trial

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