
AI-powered platform automating hyper-personalized ads and marketing for Shopify businesses

  • Easily launch and automate hyper-personalized ads

  • Tailored emails and Shopify integration for effortless automation

  • Generate relevant landing pages using click data


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What is Fresho

Fresho is a platform that allows users to easily launch and automate hyper-personalized ads without the use of third-party cookies. It also offers tailored emails, Shopify integration, and authentic, relevant, and personalized websites. Fresho adapts to user behavior and trends, offering hyper-relevant marketing. The platform aims to make advertising more efficient and automated for Shopify businesses.

Key Features

  • Automate Dynamic Ads, Cookie-Free: Launch and automate hyper-personalized ads quickly without third-party cookies.
  • Tailored Emails: Create personalized emails to enhance engagement.
  • Shopify Integration: Seamless automation for personalized websites, boosting conversions.
  • Hyper-Relevant Marketing: Automated generation of marketing and cross-sell emails for Shopify businesses.
  • Efficient Advertising: Fresho manages and optimizes numerous personalized ads, adapting to user behavior and trends.
  • On-the-Fly Landing Page Generation: Utilizes click data to instantly create relevant landing pages.


AI-powered platform automating hyper-personalized ads and marketing for Shopify businesses

Key Features

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