Finiite AI

Enhances retail sales with AI-driven skin assessments and product recommendations

  • AI-powered platform for retail sales and customer experience

  • Personalized product recommendations

  • Integrates with e-commerce and CRM platforms


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🛠️ API

What is Finiite AI

Finiite AI is a cloud-based tool that leverages AI to enhance retail sales and customer experience. It offers features like virtual skin assessments, personalized product recommendations, and customer data insights. The platform easily integrates with e-commerce sites and CRMs, providing scalable API solutions to boost sales conversions and customer engagement.

Key Features of Finiite AI

- AI Skin Check: Allows users to take photos for virtual skin assessments, guiding them to suitable products on your store.

- Product Recommendation: Instantly shows tailored products to each customer and site visitor based on their preferences and behaviors.

- Boost Cart Checkout: Enhances the store experience and increases cart ratios, thereby improving sales conversion rates.

- Increase Revenue: Boosts sales through increased customer engagement and converting unused site traffic into loyal customers.

- Measure Success & Consumer Insight: Provides consumer data insights and integrates with your CRM to track how the API is contributing to revenue growth.

- Built to Scale: Offers a cloud-based solution with flexible pricing and API usage that automatically scales as your business grows.

- Easy API Integration: Includes comprehensive documentation with code samples to help integrate with your website in under 5 minutes, and offers free custom API integration setup.

- Access Dashboard & Manage Subscriptions: Allows you to track daily API usage and manage your subscriptions conveniently from a single dashboard.

- Multi-Platform Compatibility: Easily integrates with various ecommerce platforms to capture leads and improve customer engagement.

Finiite AI

Enhances retail sales with AI-driven skin assessments and product recommendations

Key Features

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🛠️ API

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