

AI-powered content platform for fast, optimized content creation

  • Build optimized content quickly and easily

  • Customizable presets and outlines for unique output

  • Powerful editor for professional content editing


💰 Paid


🛠️ API
⏳ Free Trial



What is Cuppa

Cuppa is a content platform that utilizes AI and other technologies to build optimized content for websites and brands. It offers customizable content generation and a powerful editor for editing and formatting. Cuppa also provides features such as image generation, SEO optimization, and a community marketplace. The platform requires users to have their own Open AI API keys for access.

Key Features

  • Customizable Content Generation: Offers highly customizable content generation with various options and preferences.
  • Integration with Image Generators: Works with LangChain and several image generators, including upcoming integration with Dall-e 3.
  • Advanced Editor: Features a powerful editor for professional content editing and formatting.
  • Discord Community & Marketplace: Access to a growing Discord community for sharing tips and tricks.
  • Cuppa UNLEASHED for Power Users: An upgrade offering live web access, SERPs, keyword research, topical maps, merchant APIs, FAQs, sources, images, and more.
  • Language Compatibility: Supports 33 languages.
  • WordPress & Google Doc Integration: Seamless integration with WordPress and Google Docs.
  • Customizable Presets & Outlines: Allows for tailored content creation with customizable presets and outlines.


Single Site License

  • Cost: $89.99/Year
  • Features:
    • 7 Day Free Trial
    • Single Site License
    • WordPress & Google Doc Integration
    • No Restrictions, No Limitations
    • Customizable Presets & Outlines
    • Image Generation & Robust Editor

Multisite License

  • Cost: $139.99/Year
  • Features:
    • 7 Day Free Trial
    • Multisite License
    • WordPress, Google Doc, & All Integrations
    • No Restrictions, No Limitations
    • Customizable Presets & Outlines
    • Image Generation & Robust Editor

Power User Upgrade

  • Cost: $49.99/Month (Requires an Annual Plan License)
  • Features:
    • Everything in Standard Licenses +
    • Available in Your Account After Purchase
    • Access The Live Web & Top SERPs
    • Access Keyword Data, Merchant Data, and More
    • Power Editor With Everything You Need For Optimized Content

Please check here for more details about Cuppa’s pricing.


AI-powered content platform for fast, optimized content creation

Key Features

💰 Paid
🛠️ API
⏳ Free Trial

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