
Expert SEO writing service for SaaS and e-commerce growth

  • SEO-driven content writing service

  • Manages blog strategy on autopilot

  • Keyword research and high-quality articles


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What is Copyshake

Copyshake is an SEO content writing service that helps SaaS and e-commerce brands grow through expertly written content that enhances search engine rankings and drives conversions. They handle everything from keyword research to delivering SEO-ready articles, positioning clients as industry leaders and ensuring long-term success. Users can subscribe to various plans, allowing Copyshake to manage their blog content strategy on autopilot with quality and accuracy.

Key Features of Copyshake

- Automate Content Strategy: Your blog runs itself, from keyword research to finished, SEO-ready articles.

- Build Authority: Positions your brand as an industry leader through informative and authoritative content.

- Grow Traffic & Sales: Achieve steady growth in search engine rankings and revenue with optimized content.

- Stress-Free Blogging: Simple process with done-for-you services to make blogging hassle-free.

- Human-Written Content: Ensures high-quality, engaging content created by professional writers, avoiding the pitfalls of AI-generated text.

- Quality Control: Rigorous process including editorial review to ensure high-quality, accurate, and plagiarism-free content.

- Flexible Delivery: Ready articles can be uploaded directly to the CMS of your choice (Wordpress, Webflow, Shopify, etc.) or delivered via Google Docs, Notion, and other platforms.

- Consistent Publishing: Articles are spread across your subscription period to keep content fresh and avoid gaps in publishing.

- Content Optimization: Ability to rewrite and optimize existing posts to improve their rankings.

- Discovery Call: Opportunity to schedule a 1-on-1 call before subscribing to ensure the services fit your needs.


Expert SEO writing service for SaaS and e-commerce growth

Key Features

💰 Paid

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