
AI-powered platform for analyzing and improving content engagement

  • Content engagement with AI-driven sentiment and emotion analysis

  • Extracts keywords, sentiment, and emotion from content

  • Helps optimize content for better conversion and engagement


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What is Compar is an AI-powered content analysis tool that helps users improve the stickiness and effectiveness of their written content. It analyzes keywords, sentiment, and emotion in order to optimize and adjust content for better engagement and conversion. By understanding how people scan and consume content, provides insights that can enhance SEO rankings and increase conversion rates.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Content Analysis: Utilizes AI to analyze website content, extracting keywords, and determining sentiment and emotion.
  • Keyword Analysis: Extracts and analyzes the keywords from your content to understand its focus and relevance.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Determines the overall sentiment of your content, providing insights into how it is perceived by readers.
  • Emotion Analysis: Evaluates how your content is emotionally perceived, helping to tailor it for better engagement.
  • SEO Improvement: Aids in improving SEO ranking as the tool helps create more engaging content that encourages visitors to read longer.
  • Conversion Rate Increase: By creating more engaging content, it builds trust with the audience, potentially increasing conversion rates.
  • Content Stickiness: Helps in understanding and improving the ‘stickiness’ of your content, ensuring that messages resonate with and stick to the audience.


Starter Plan

  • Cost: Free
  • Offer: Free 7-day trial, no credit card required

Professional Plan

  • Cost: $8.95/month
  • Offer: Save 25% with a yearly subscription
  • Features: 100 Scans per month
  • Enterprise Plan
    • Pricing: Contact for details
    • Features: Unlimited content scans, 24/7 support

Please check here for more details about Compar’s pricing.


AI-powered platform for analyzing and improving content engagement

Key Features

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