
Create and deploy AI bots effortlessly with BotSquare's low-code platform

  • Low-code AI app development

  • Drag and drop modules, customize AI bots

  • Multi-channel deployment support for AI apps


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What is BotSquare

BotSquare is a low-code AI app development platform that allows users to easily create and deploy AI bots across various channels without requiring extensive programming knowledge. Through its drag-and-drop interface, users can build customized AI applications using advanced language models and vector data sources. The platform supports seamless multi-channel deployment, making it suitable for both personal and business use cases.

Key Features of BotSquare

- Low-Code Development: Create AI applications effortlessly using drag-and-drop modules, lowering the barriers to entry for users of all skill levels.

- Multi-Channel Deployment: Deploy AI apps seamlessly across various platforms including WeChat, websites, and SMS for wide-reaching utility.

- Vector Data Source Customization: Integrate and utilize flexible vector data sources to power your AI apps with domain-specific expertise.

- Enhanced Natural Language Processing: Ensure impactful conversations by leveraging advanced NLP modules for accurate and meaningful responses.

- Diverse AI Modules: Access a variety of AI tools, from advanced generative models to phone and messaging integrations, enabling versatile app functionality.

- BotSquare LLM: Utilize the BotSquare large language model for responsive and cost-effective AI app development, exclusive to

- Multi-Model Conversion: Merge text, images, audio, and video seamlessly to create engaging and immersive user experiences within your AI applications.

- AI Microservice Task Management: Easily combine, share, and sell AI modules, fostering creativity with minimal entry barriers.

- Step-by-Step Project Creation: Start by creating a project in the Developer Portal, then drag & drop modules to edit the workflow, and finally deploy your AI app.

- Prompt AI App Deployment: Quickly convert your AI app ideas into live applications with minimal steps, enhancing productivity and innovation.


Create and deploy AI bots effortlessly with BotSquare's low-code platform

Key Features

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