

AI-powered talent optimization platform for businesses, offering hiring assessments and performance management

  • AI-powered talent optimization platform for businesses

  • Automates agenda creation, tracks action items

  • Enhances productivity in business meetings


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What is AgendaAI

AgendaAI is an AI-powered tool that offers a talent optimization platform for businesses. It provides various features and solutions such as validated hiring assessments, leadership development, team development, employee engagement surveys, and performance management tools. With the use of AI, AgendaAI aims to help organizations hire and retain top talent, develop effective managers, build successful teams, and enhance overall employee engagement and performance.

Key Features of AgendaAI

- Talent Optimization Platform: See how PI’s personalized HR software will help you hire, develop, and retain top talent.

- Validated Hiring: Avoid mishires, identify the best candidates, and stop turnover with validated hiring assessments.

- Leadership Development: Turn ineffective managers into top leaders with personalized recommendations for every employee.

- Team Development: Get a bird’s eye view of your team’s culture and a map to your success.

- Employee Engagement: Understand and retain your people with science-backed pulse surveys.

- Performance Management: Develop your managers and enhance accountability with tools for continuous feedback, goals & OKRs, meeting management, and more.

- Behavioral and Cognitive Assessments: Utilize PI Behavioral Assessment™ and PI Cognitive Assessment™ for better hiring and employee development.

- Customizable Job Target: Create specific job targets to match candidates to roles effectively.

- Candidate Match Score: Evaluate candidates against job targets to find the best fit.

- Targeted Interview Questions: Generate interview questions that target specific behavioral gaps.

- Job Ad Optimizer: Optimize job postings to attract the right candidates.

- 1: 1 Relationship Insights: Gain valuable insights into manager-employee relationships for better communication and collaboration.

- Development Guide: Provide employees with personalized development recommendations.

- Engagement Surveys: Send customizable engagement surveys to measure and improve employee satisfaction.

- Science-backed Solutions: Read about the science that powers PI’s accurate, actionable, personalized solutions.

- Educational Resources: Access free and premium resources such as webinars, workshops, and certification courses to enhance your PI knowledge.

- Support and Help Center: Consult FAQs, how-to articles, and software release notes for assistance.

- PI Partner Network: Explore a network of certified PI partners for additional support and expertise.

- Customer Success Stories: Learn how companies like Totango and Watercare have successfully used PI to achieve their goals.

- Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrate with tools like Slack, Zoom, and MS Teams for a streamlined workflow.

- Personalized 1: 1s with Behavioral Insights: Tailor your management approach based on employee-specific behavioral data.

- 360 Feedback and Employee Recognition: Utilize tools for comprehensive feedback and recognizing employee achievements.

- Goal and OKR Management: Align team and individual goals with business objectives using automated tools.

- Group Workspaces and Meeting Management: Collaborate effectively with organized workspaces and meeting agendas.

- Continuous Feedback and AI Assistants: Provide and receive actionable feedback supported by AI-driven insights.

- Performance Analytics: Monitor team performance with analytics on meetings, engagement, and coaching.

- Kudos and Employee Recognition: Use behavioral insights for personalized recognition to boost morale and engagement.

- Team Engagement Solutions: Address disengagement with science-backed pulse surveys and targeted recommendations.

- Cultural and Behavioral Insights: Understand collective strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement within your teams.


AI-powered talent optimization platform for businesses, offering hiring assessments and performance management

Key Features

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